

SexTao orgasmo e dipendenza

Se ti innamori del partner per le emozioni che ti fa sperimentare, non è un vero amore verso di lui. L'amore "del dare e avere" non è vero amore (discorso che non c'entra con il...

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SexTao Love and Orgasm

If you fall in love with a partner for the emotions they make you experience, it is not true love towards them. Love based on "give and take" is not genuine love (a speech unrelated to balance and...

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Sex and vital energy

The relationship between sexual energy and spirituality has been studied in various spiritual traditions and ancient philosophies, such as yoga, tantra, and Taoism. According to these traditions,...

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Unconditional love

Friends can certainly be a source of support and comfort, but if they become the sole source of happiness, then there is a problem.

Self-introspection is crucial to understanding our emotions and...

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Amore incondizionato

la necessità di essere equilibrati ed essere in grado di amare in modo incondizionato. Gli amici possono sicuramente essere una fonte di supporto e conforto, ma se diventano la sola fonte di...

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Genital QiGong - Sexual Energy

The Ancient Art of QiGong: Unveiling the Fascinating Beauty of Genital QiGong

Transform sexual energy into vital energy and vital energy into spiritual energy. "Learn not to ejaculate through the...

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“QiGong Genitale”- TaoSex

Trasformare l’ energia sessuale in energia vitale e l’energia vitale in energia spirituale.
Imparare a non eiaculare grazie all’orbita microcosmica e agli esercizi della...

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Unveiling the Illusion


The Erosion of Authentic Yoga and Martial Arts

In contemporary Western society, we often witness a phenomenon where some individuals delude themselves into thinking they are superior to...

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The Pineal Gland

Bridging the Gap Between Matter and Soul in Descartes' Philosophy

The sixth Chakra is the energy emanated from the Pineal gland...but the Pineal gland is pure matter...but what is matter if not...

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Yiquan and the Spiritual Connection

Unlocking the Mysteries of the Pineal Gland

Yiquan and the Pineal Gland: The pineal gland transcends its conventional understanding in Western medicine, aligning with the beliefs held by ancient...

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The Third Eye

Exploring the Intersection of Science and Philosophy

The act of directing one's thoughts towards someone or something actually involves sending attention, conscious intention, energy, and a part of...

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Intuition in Alpha Mental State

The Art of Acting Without Thinking and Intuition in Alpha Mental State: A Path to Enlightenment

The spiritual journey towards self-improvement and inner enlightenment is a fascinating experience...

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